Content-type: text/html Ethics, Analytics and the Duty of Care ~ Inquiry Process

Ethics, Analytics and the Duty of Care ~ Inquiry Process

Inquiry Process

In the Inquiry Process "the components identify problems and frame questions lack subcomponents and elements... subelements (include) planning, guiding, designing, adjusting, differentiating, and individualizing instruction associated with the element." (Gummer & Mandinach, 2015).

Identifying and implementing change to create efficiencies and new opportunities by making existing processes, systems, tools and products better and/or creating new ones. (e.g.) Can identify deficiencies in current processes/systems and tools/ products, gain the required approval to make changes, and lead the implementation of those changes (APOS, 2021).

Relevant Links

These links are typically articles defining data literacy that include this theme in their definition.

Annika Wolff, Daniel Gooch, Jose J. Cavero Montaner, Umar Rashid, Gerd Kortuem,, 2016;, Edith Gummer, Ellen B. Mandinach, Kateryna Maltseva Reiby, Teachers College Record, Safegraph, 2015;, Australian Public Service Commission, Christian Fieseler, Government of Australia, The Information Society, 2021;, Dave Wells, Christian Fieseler, Eckerson Group, The Information Society, 2022;
