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Datastorming: Crafting Data into Design Materials for Design Students’ Creative Data Literacy

Description of 'datastrorming', a way to think about using how to create designs using data. " To overcome their unfamiliarity to data, we aimed to craft abstract data into hands-on design materials in the form of cards so that students can physically interact with the abstract concept and make sense of the data through hands-on thinking."

"According to Kun et al. [ 20 ], data acquisition is seen as the first step when designing with data. This can be done using pre-recorded data sets found on open sources or self-curated as part of the design process to meet the needs of the project. Next is data wrangling, which is to prepare the acquired data for analysis by ensuring consistency throughout. Following on is an open-ended data exploration, to understand the properties of the data and identify structures within. From this exploration, data analysis is done in a more focused manner where various characteristics and dimensions of the data are targeted. The last step is data reporting where the outcomes from the analysis are shared through boundary objects [21] such as visualizations.

Delia Yi Min Lim, Christine Ee Ling Yap, Jung-Joo Lee. 2021. Datastorming: Crafting Data into Design Materials for Design Students’ Creative Data Literacy. C&C '21: Creativity and Cognition.