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Data Skills Framework: A generic approach to assessing and developing data related competencies and skills

"Designed to be generic and it covers the full range of data-related competencies from identifying data needs to visualisation of outputs. Seven core themes are described with three levels within each (foundation, intermediate and advanced)."

The seven data themes are:

  1. Requirements and business analysis – the ability to understand and prioritise user needs; and identify how data can be efficiently integrated into processes.
  2. Data governance – the responsibilities associated with collection, handling, ownership, publication and ultimately removal of data.
  3. Data management –knowledge of data concepts, including quality control, storage, and integration with other sources.
  4. Access and security – understanding of: the obligations and restrictions aroundgranting and gaining access to data; the principles of open data; different licensing models; security; and the process of risk assessments
  5. Data manipulation – manipulating, processing, cleansing and combining data for further analysis or use. Automation of complex manipulation on large data volumes
  6. Analysis and modelling – analysis of data and data modelling. Includes statistical knowledge, processing chains, machine learning and predictive analytics
  7. Communication and visualisation – interpreting, summarising and communicating data and various analytical outputs for different audiences.
L. Heeley, S. Wilkinson, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Antti Poikola. 2018. Data Skills Framework: A generic approach to assessing and developing data related competencies and skills., .