Image by terry10 on Alteryx

Welcome to Data Literacy Z

This is the Data Literacy MOOC. It's not really a MOOC. Let's call it an unmooc. I'll be building this up over the next few months as I organize my thoughts around data literacy. You're welcome to follow and comment. But I'm not teaching here - I'm thinking, and inviting you to join me.


Competency Model or Framework
A competencies framework is a list of skills, competencies or capacities associated with Site Title. It may be organized according to: specific skills, content areas, or levels or degrees of maturity. [More]

Evaluation or Assessment Framework
A evaluation framework is a mechanism for evaluating or assessing a list of skills, competencies or capacities associated with Site Title [More]

Teaching Framework
A teaching framework will describe approaches or best practices for teaching data literacy. [More]

Here's some background research I've done.



There's an RSS feed you can subscribe to here. I may add an email newsletter later, but you'll have to check back here.

Course tag: #dataliteracy